~ Platypus ~


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Name : Platypus

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Region :

-Eastern Australia


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dangerous.jpg (974 bytes) Defends by injecting venom from spurs on its hind legs.
meal.jpg (1011 bytes) Crayfish, worms and small water animal.
caution.jpg (831 bytes) This " eating Machine " consumers more food for its size than any other mammals on earth. While feeding, it filters mud and sad through grooves on its large beak.


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Platypus's life

On land, a platypus relies on its sight and hearing to find out about its environment. Underwater, its eyes and ears are protected under flaps of skin. So while swimming the platypus relies almost exclusively on its sense of touch. Its rubbery bill is especially sensitive, and the platypus uses it to find the crustaceans, worms, and fish it eat.

Who had never seen a platypus said when they first heard the animal described. A furry beast with webbed feet and a bill like a duck ?? A mammal that lays eggs but nurses is young ?? It still seens an unlikely most unusual animals.
You might be asking yourself what makes a platypus a "dangerous creature". You should approach all wild animal with caution, but you should be especially careful with a male platypus. Males platypus have a sharp venomous spurs on their hind feet !!



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Putting heads together, do you think the skull of a duck looks like the skull of a platypus ??

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~ Platypus skeleton ~

The bones in a platypus's feet are similar to those of a seal, which make sense-both animal use their feet for swimming, not walking.



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The venom that male platypus can inject through their spurs is strong enough to kill a small animal. It can also cause temporary partial paralysis in a human.





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